#44 Fasting Q&A with Dr. Rhonda Patrick and Mike Maser

Posted on January 17th 2019 (about 6 years)

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This episode features a Q&A session with Dr. Rhonda Patrick and Mike Maser of Zero Fasting Tracker. The questions were sourced from social media followers of both FoundMyFitness and also Zero Fasting Tracker, a convenient mobile app used widely in the fasting community for logging. Watch the video on Zero's Vimeo channel here.

In this 45-minute podcast, Dr. Patrick answers some of the most popular questions related to fasting, including:

  • What effects coffee, supplements, and amino acids have on fasting
  • Whether one method of fasting is more beneficial than others
  • What effect the consumption of exogenous ketones have on fasting
  • Whether it is good to exercise while fasting
  • The ideal way to break a fast
  • How fasting affects muscle mass
  • How fasting plays a role in the growth-longevity tradeoff... and more!

See the timeline tab for a full list of questions and time points.

Hear new content from Rhonda on The Aliquot, our member's only podcast

Listen in on our regularly curated interview segments called "Aliquots" released every week on our premium podcast The Aliquot. Aliquots come in two flavors: features and mashups.

  • Hours of deep dive on topics like fasting, sauna, child development surfaced from our enormous collection of members-only Q&A episodes.
  • Important conversational highlights from our interviews with extra commentary and value. Short but salient.


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Hi i want to do a water fast .I take whole thyroid for my hypothyrodism , so wanting to know do i stop taking my meds while im doing the fast or what? How long should i do the fast for to get optimal results as well? And all i have on this fast is water right? Thankyou very much for your help


Hi, I’m trying to find out if time restricted eating won’t make my PCOS worse. I have insuline resistance and exercizing with fasting looks best things for it. But I’m afraid it will make my hormones even worse. Maybe somebody knows the answer for it?


What a great podcast, thank you!


Thank you!!!


On the FMD you limit yourself to 16g of PLANT based protein per day. Notice it’s not just a limit to how much protein but the source of that protein. Taking those amenos while on the FMD would probably be the worst thing you could do exercise or no exercise they would just stop autophagy.


Hi Dr. Patrick, I had a question. With prolonged fasts, how is consuming amino acids different from FMD? Dont you consume aminos through food on FMD? Also, is it at all possible for aminos and anaerobic exercise during a fast to sort of cancel each other out, and allow for autophagy to continue?

Fasting Videos