Joe Rogan Experience #1178 - Dr. Rhonda Patrick

Posted on October 2nd 2018 (over 6 years)

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Dr. Rhonda Patrick makes her eighth appearance on the Joe Rogan Experience.

A few of the topics and studies mentioned in this episode include...

  • BPA in plastic bottles is a potential endocrine disruptor. Study.
  • BPA has diverse effects on human health, including endocrine, reproductive, and transgenerational epigenetic effects. Study.
  • BPA alters insulin sensitivity. Study.
  • BPA interferes with in vitro fertilization. Study.
  • BPA transfers across placenta: Study.
  • BPA leaches out of baby bottles with repeated use. Study.
  • Carnivore diet
  • People consume less when following a low carb, high protein diet. Study.
  • Diet monotony induces food habituation and decreases food intake. Study.
  • Fasting-mimicking diet and ketogenic diet improve symptoms of multiple sclerosis. Study.
  • Profound changes in gut microbiome occur with intermittent fasting. Study.
  • Minocycline, a type of antibiotic, relieved symptoms of multiple sclerosis due to alterations in gut microbiome. Study.
  • The gut microbiome plays key roles in human health and disease. Study.
  • When people change from a high fiber to a high protein diet, their gut microbiome undergoes rapid and dramatic change. Study.
  • “Putrefactive” bacteria in gut metabolize amino acids and are linked with increased risk of colon cancer. Study.
  • Fasting favorably alters the gut microbiome. Study.
  • Organs shrink during fasting and then regrow after refeeding. Study.
  • Fasting stresses healthy cells so they increase their stress-response pathways, including heat shock proteins, antioxidant production, and anti-inflammatory. Study.
  • Ketogenic diet improves symptoms in people with autoimmune disease. Study.
  • The placebo and nocebo effect has a genetic basis. Study.
  • Placebo/nocebo effect seen in gluten sensitivity studies. Study.
  • Dietary fish oil increases dopamine production in brain. Study.
  • How the RDAs - Recommended Dietary Allowances - are set: randomized controlled and non-randomized controlled trials, and depletion-repletion, balance, cross-sectional, and case studies. Study.
  • Carnivore diet deficiency: Vitamin C
  • Vitamin C and glucose use different transporters to enter cells. Study
  • RDA for vitamin C based on depletion-repletion studies. Study.
  • There’s a lot of biological variation in vitamin C needs. Study.
  • Carnivore diet deficiency: Vitamin E
  • RDA for vitamin E based on its ability to maintain cell integrity. Study.
  • Men on low vitamin E diet showed hemolysis of their red blood cells after 2.5 years. Study.
  • Inadequate folate causes double-stranded breaks in DNA. Study.
  • Lack of consumer tests available for measuring DNA damage accurately
  • Phytochemicals as activators of beneficial stress response and evolutionary context.
  • Sulforaphane
  • Broccoli sprouts have 10 to 100 times more sulforaphane than mature broccoli. Isothiocyanate facts.
  • Sulforaphane promotes urinary excretion of benzene and acrolein, compounds in air pollution. Study.
  • Sulforaphane activates Phase II detoxification enzymes and deactivates Phase I biotransformation enzymes, which can convert compounds to carcinogens. Study.
  • Sulforaphane lowers biomarker for prostate cancer 86%. Study.
  • Sulforaphane in Brussels sprouts increases antioxidant compound glutathione. Study.
  • Sulforaphane in brussels sprouts decreases oxidative DNA damage. Study.
  • Sulforaphane increases antioxidant compound glutathione in human brain. Study.
  • Major changes in diet can alter the gut microbiome and temporarily cause discomfort
  • Fasting and the fasting-mimicking diet
  • Types of Alzheimer’s disease and current status of research
  • APOE4 as a genetic risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease
  • Amyloid plaques in brain are cleared away during sleep. Study.
  • People who have APOE4 have a reduced efficiency of amyloid clearance. Study.
  • Faulty DHA transport system in brains of people with APOE4 can be bypassed with phospholipid form of DHA. Study.
  • Fish oil lowered cardiovascular disease risk by ~30%. Study.
  • Ketones and Ketosis
  • Sulforaphane supplementation
  • Parenthood
  • Health benefits of heat stress
  • Single episode of sauna use improves vascular compliance (blood vessels’ ability to contract and expand), reduces blood pressure, and decreases CRP. Study.
  • Sauna stimulates mitochondrial biogenesis in muscle. Study.
  • Sauna use may reduce a chronic inflammatory state by reducing inflammatory cytokines. Study.
  • Sauna use before working out reduces delayed-onset muscle soreness associated with exercise. Study.
  • Increasing core body temperature decreases symptoms of depression. Dr. Raison study.
  • Taking NSAIDs before working out blunts some of the benefits derived from exercise. Study.
  • Effects of sensory deprivation

Scientists mentioned

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Thank you Rhonda and Joe , a very enjoyable, informative podcast, so much up todate information, I have regular IV Vitamin C and Glutathione IV, I was very interested to hear about how Glutathione’s pathway to our cells, I can confirm that liposomal Glutathione is a better method of increasing the body’s glutathione .. mentioned by Dr Thomas Levy : Plenty of information on diet and supplements from your podcast .. many Blessings


Dear Dr. Patrick, The knowledge you gave on gut health video’s on the Joe Rogan show, has literally changed my life. I am 67 yrs old and I used the information from you, to correct a severe gut problem I have had for over a year. You are in my opinion like a modern day Hypocrates, where “food is medicine and medicine is food”. Thank You So Very Much, John Schwab


Does anyone know if we can read Dr. Rhonda’s writing that Joe mentioned, about the carnivore diet?


Really enjoy your podcast and discussions with Joe Rogan. On your latest podcast with him you discussed the importance of Folates and Magnesium and how taking supplements during pregnancy helps keep the child healthy. I am curious to find out if one should keep supplementing the child, once born, to help maintain the benefits. And if so what are good sources of these that children are “happy” to ingest.


I have just found all the interesting work of Dr. Rhonda Patrick. I saw her podcast with Joe Rogan, and I was anticipating her telling about her own diet. I only got that she is on a modified ketosis diet. I would like to make some big life style changes myself (to combat chronic pain issues), and I am very curios to learn more about what kind of diet she can recommend a normal person.

Can anyone help with?


Loved the episode!


Great show thanks!


Awesome as usual! Just wanted to clarify your thoughts on sulforaphane. Are you still using or recommending the Thorne supplement for sulforaphane or are you recommending not to use any supplements to get sulforaphane. Thanks for the great work.


Fantastic show. As usual, Dr. Rhonda Patrick is a treasure-trove of information!!


Glad to see you expressing caution about the carnivore diet, a lot of impressionable people watch Joe’s podcast


Loved the show. Will be listening to it again! Thank you.


Loved the show which brought me to your site.


So what vegetables and other foods should be eaten along a beef organs & meat diet?


You shouldn’t eat a “beef, organs & meat” diet in the first place.

If long-term health and longevity is of any importance to you, you should rather ask what kind of animal food should be eaten along a plant-based diet.