Fasting mimicking diet treatment for multiple sclerosis (remyelinating axons & halting autoimmunity)

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Evidence continues to emerge that illustrates that the fasting-mimicking diet, particularly its ability to cause immune cell turnover, may provide beneficial effects in the treatment of auto-immune diseases such as multiple sclerosis. In animal studies, all mice with multiple sclerosis on the fasting-mimicking diet exhibited decreased clinical symptoms, and 20 percent recovered fully. Fasting is rejuvenating because autoimmune cells are destroyed and replaced with healthy cells upon refeeding. Although additional clinical trials are needed, patients with multiple sclerosis experienced improvements in physical, mental, emotional, and social functioning with the fasting-mimicking diet. In this clip, Dr. Valter Longo describes how the fasting-mimicking diet can be beneficial in the treatment of various diseases, including multiple sclerosis.

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