#74 Dr. Dominic D'Agostino on Developing a Well-Designed Ketogenic Diet and Harnessing its Benefits

Posted on April 28th 2022 (almost 3 years)

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This episode is Part 2 of an interview with features Dr. Dominic D'Agostino. Click here to view part 1. Dr. D'Agostino is a world-class researcher on nutritional ketosis and specifically ketogenic diets. He also has the practical long-term use of ketogenic diets which sets him up as the authority on ketogenic diets and ketogenesis. This episode covers a lot of ground including practical tips on eating a ketogenic diet and differences between exogenous ketone supplements and their role in the ketosis world.

In this 2.5-hour episode you will learn:

  • Benefits of slowly titrating down carbs in the early days of a ketogenic diet.
  • Whether the ketogenic diet has side effects and how they can be circumvented.
  • The Dom D'Agostino diet and protocol for optimal ketosis.
  • How dietary fiber can be beneficial when following a ketogenic diet.
  • How to start a ketogenic diet, which biomarkers to measure to assess suitability, and ideas on how to adjust the diet for APOE4 genotype.
  • Why glucose can drop into hypoglycemic ranges with high-dose ketones.
  • How ketone salts can be used to augment the diet
  • How ketones have a satiating effect on the brain, staving off hunger.
  • How ketones affect human performance.
  • How the ketones produced during fasting perform an anti-catabolic function, preventing some muscle loss.

(For more, check the Timeline tab.)

Nutritional ketosis recapitulates some of the signaling benefits of the metabolic switch associated with fasting.

"A ketogenic diet is unique from a dietary therapy point of view, because it's the only diet defined by an objective biomarker." - Dr. Dominic DʼAgostino Click To Tweet

Fasting – an ancient strategy to treat seizures – induces ketogenesis, a metabolic pathway that drives the production of ketones. A ketogenic diet, which is high in fat, moderate in protein, and low in carbohydrates, mimics fasting by inducing metabolic switching – the capacity to shift from metabolizing glucose to metabolizing fatty acids. Ketogenic diets are now a widely accepted therapy for people with epilepsy or other seizure disorders. And a growing body of clinical evidence suggests that ketosis also improves other aspects of neurological health, including general cognitive performance, brain trauma, and neurodegenerative disorders, such as Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease.

Scientists don't fully understand all the mechanisms that drive the benefits of ketogenic diets, but some evidence suggests that they involve changing the brain's neuropharmacology – its chemistry – starting with a chemical called gamma aminobutyric acid, or GABA, for short. GABA has a calming effect on the brain, quieting overactive neurons and exerting anti-seizure and anti-anxiety effects. Studies in rodents have shown that ketones markedly increases GABA synthesis.

Other evidence suggests that shifting the availability of fuels in the brain from glucose to ketones alters gene-linked metabolic networks that drive seizures, which are metabolically demanding. Ketones provide benefits that extend beyond the brain, however. For example, beta-hydroxybutyrate, an endogenous ketone, may reduce inflammationincrease lifespan, and suppress tumor formation. Learn more about beta-hydroxybutyrate in our overview article.

Following a ketogenic diet presents challenges.

Implementing a ketogenic diet at home is challenging, at best. Close monitoring of dietary intake, measuring of biomarkers, and a clear understanding of who might (and might not) benefit from the diet are crucial for success.

But it's also important to realize that ketogenic diets aren't "one-size-fits-all." Rather, they fall on a spectrum, ranging from a five-to-one ratio of fats to protein and carbs (typically used in clinical settings) to a more liberalized one-to-one ratio, a type of low glycemic index therapy (commonly referred to as "modified Atkins") that might meet the needs of most healthy people. Each of the diet's versions elicits ketosis, to varying degrees, but circulating levels of ketones probably don't tell the whole story – good reason to employ a graduated approach when starting the diet, whether in a clinical setting or at home.

Overall composition of the diet matters, too. For example, Dr. D'Agostino gets most of his carbohydrates from fiber-rich vegetables. Fiber slows the rate of gastric emptying and improves gut health. And eating these carbs near the end of his meal helps reduce glycemic variability and insulin response. He also includes polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats – like those found in salmon and avocados – to reduce his risk of having abnormally high blood lipids.

Dr. D'Agostino explains the ins and outs of ketogenic diets, including his personal protocol and tips for success – even a recipe or two – based on his own experiences. He also describes strategies that may help people starting out on their first foray into ketogenic diets.

Want extra resources?

Check out my earlier interview with Dr. D'Agostino and be sure to read our overview article on beta-hydroxybutyrate, a type of ketone produced in the body during periods of nutrient scarcity. 

Furthermore, ketogenesis is a perennial favorite topic of the FoundMyFitness podcast. Aspects have been covered in many episodes, including:

Learn more about Dr. Dominic D'Agostino

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