Q&A #16 with Dr. Rhonda Patrick (10/3/2020)

Posted on October 3rd 2020 (over 4 years)
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Dr. Rhonda Patrick answers audience questions on various health, nutrition, and science topics in this Q&A session.

  • Are there any studies showing benefits of hot yoga? Are they comparable to the sauna?

  • Hot yoga improved cholesterol levels, arterial compliance, anxiety, depression, and stamina. 1 2 3 4 5

  • What does the latest research on Lion's Mane (Hericium erinaceus) show?

  • Lion's Mane tentatively improved cognitive abilities. 1 2

  • Animal studies of Lion's Mane have shown to reduce memory loss and prevent neuronal damage caused by amyloid-beta plaques. 1 2 3 4

  • Early animal and human studies suggest Lion's Mane may improve anxiety or depression. 1 2 3

  • Lion's Mane increased nerve growth factor and reduced brain damage following stroke in vitro and animal studies. 1 2

  • Lion's Mane can protect against certain gastrointestinal ulcers. 1 2 3 4 5 6

  • Lion's Mane has been shown to reduce cardiovascular disease risk in animals but there is no data for humans. 1 2 3 4 5

  • Animal data suggests Lion's Mane can improve blood sugar and diabetes neuropathy in mice. 1 2 3 4

  • Animal data suggests Lion's Mane modulates the immune system to reduce inflammation while increasing immunity. 1 2 3 4

  • What is the science behind whole fruit coffee extract?

  • Green coffee extract and coffee can promote weight loss in humans and animals. 1 2 3 4

  • Green coffee extract and coffee can improve blood glucose levels in humans. 1 2

  • Green coffee extract has been shown to improve blood cholesterol levels in humans. 1

  • One of the active ingredients of coffee, chlorogenic acid, significantly lowered blood pressure in a placebo-controlled, randomized clinical trial. 1

  • The process of roasting coffee beans decreases chlorogenic acid content. 1

  • Whole coffee fruit concentrate powder, green coffee fruit extract, coffee and BDNF. 1

  • Are there times statins could be contraindicated for a person with APOE3/4? Or is a statin important to take for an APOE 3/4 with an over 200 LDL (but low Triglycerides and HDL at 97) to reduce the LDL as a way to help prevent cognitive decline? CoQ10?

  • The American College of Cardiology and American Heart Association recommends anyone with LDL > 190 be started on a statin, regardless of APOE status. 1 2

  • Lipophilic statins have been associated with increased risk of cognitive dysfunction in phase 4 clinical studies. 1

  • Rhonda explains why, for those taking statins, supplementing with CoQ10 could be beneficial.

  • Genetic risk factors that increase likelihood of more severe infection of COVID-19.

  • Transient spikes in blood glucose can lead to long term health consequences by activating AKT pathway and inhibiting FOXO3 pathway.

  • Rhonda talks about how specific foods affect her blood glucose levels.

  • Rhonda explains why she doesn't eat rice.

  • Can overnight sixteen-hour fasting followed by (fasted) exercise induce short-term ketosis, and in that way protect the brain?

  • Are there differences between benign in a ketogenic diet and fasting-induced ketosis?

  • What are the health benefits of supplementing with ketones?

  • Rhonda discusses why she avoids whole-grains in her diet.

  • Nocebo effect in non-celiacs eating gluten free bread. 1

  • A diet rich in whole grains lowers all-cause mortality. 1 2

  • Rice can be contaminated with arsenic depending on the source.

  • Rapidfire questions

  • Rhonda's thoughts on cows milk for babies.

  • Why Rhonda removed certain ingredients from her smoothie protocol.

  • How much vitamin D should be taken to sustain adequate vitamin D levels?

  • Rhonda's personal probiotic regimen.

  • Is there a probiotic that can lower blood glucose levels?

  • HEPA air filters for your personal home.

  • Rhonda's thoughts on using Viome to analyze your microbiome.

  • Rhonda distinguishes food fortified with iron vs food supplemented with iron.

  • Xylitol gum does not alter the microbiome in a measurable way.

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