These live recorded Q&A episodes make great companion listening for a long drive. You can find these Q&A episodes alongside great interview aliquots and other special members-only episodes on The Aliquot, our official premium FoundMyFitness podcast.
Dr. Rhonda Patrick answers audience questions on various health, nutrition, and science topics in this Q&A session.
Fish oil supplementation
Q: Does eating meat cause inflammation?
Unprocessed and red met is associated with colorectal cancer. 1
Inflammation worsens autoimmune disorders but it is unknown if inflammation causes autoimmune disorders.
Q: How does alcohol consumption affect cancer risk, lifespan, and healthspan?
Alcohol consumption increases the risk of many types of cancers in a dose-dependent fashion. 1
Epidemiological studies show that there is a U-shaped relationship between alcohol consumption and blood sugar. 1
Q: What are your thoughts and experience with zone 2 training?
Exercising at a moderate intensity for 150 minutes/week decreases all-cause mortality by 31%. 1
3 weeks of high-intensity interval training on a stationary cycle increases mitochondrial capacity by 49% in younger people and 69% in older people. 1
Q: What are your thoughts on the different COVID vaccines?
Rhonda's personal experience with vaccines during pregnancy.
Q: Does it matter if omega-3 is from fish oil or krill oil, phospholipid or not, triglyceride or ethyl ester?
Q: Are there any considerations in using saunas for people with metal implants?
Q: Dr. Satchin Panda talks about maintaining lean muscle mass while fasting using a "moderate fat" diet. I'm wondering if you know what his definition is?
Q: How do you brew your coffee? Any thoughts on how to get maximum benefits and decrease risks of carcinogens etc.?
Filtered coffee is associated with a 15% lower all-cause mortality, 12% lower heart disease risk in men, and 20% lower heart disease risk in women. 1
Italians that drank 3-4 espresso cups (30 ml) per day had a 28% lower all-cause mortality and those that drank more than 4 espressos per day had a 15% lower all-cause mortality. 1
Rhonda's experience with managing bed temperature during sleep to align with her circadian rhythm.
Q: Given that broccoli sprout extract is expensive, growing is a hassle, and the highest concentration of glucoraphanin is in the seeds, what about eating the broccoli seeds?
Q: Time-restricted eating: does taking supplements break a fast?
Q: Does tea or black coffee break a fast?
Q: How often should a glucose monitor be calibrated?
Q: What is your take on powders, super greens, and super reds?
Q: What are the reasons for abnormally high vitamin D levels?
Q: When our cells divide do the new cells contain only DNA information or do epigenetics transfer as well?
What are your thoughts on cod liver oil, PQQ, and Astaxanthin?
Rhonda's experience with the Eight Sleep cooling mattress.
Q: Where do you buy your salmon roe?
Q: How important is Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratio in the foods we eat?
Q: What is a reliable resource for third-party testing of supplements?
Every month, Rhonda hosts a live chat with FoundMyFitness Premium Members.
Don't miss the next one.
Dr. Rhonda Patrick discusses saturated fats and LDL, luteolin's benefits, glyphosate risks, natural vs. artificial flavors, and black cumin seed effects.
Dr. Rhonda Patrick discusses microdosing nicotine, GlyNac benefits, intermittent fasting and hair loss, and cold & flu relief.
Dr. Rhonda Patrick discusses GLP-1 agonists, alpha-lipoic acid, ubiquinone vs. ubiquinol, calcium needs, and liquid biopsy cancer screening.
Dr. Rhonda Patrick discusses _Akkermansia muciniphila_, vitamin B1's effect on blood sugar, emulsifiers in food, and electrolyte supplements.
Dr. Rhonda Patrick discusses silicone safety, grounding, pentadecanoic acid, and the potential benefits of olive leaf extract and peptides.