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Dr. Rhonda Patrick answers audience questions on various health, nutrition, and science topics in this Q&A session.
Discussing veganism.
Meat consumption requires an unhealthy lifestyle-factor for all-cause mortality and cancer association (comparison to vegetarianism). 1
Increased protein intake is positively associated with longevity over the age 65. 1
Relationship of protein intake with IGF-1.
Saturated fat and cardiovascular risk.
Impact of sugar consumption on LDL cholesterol.
Personalized nature of glycemic response to diet. 1
Genetic polymorphisms that affect fat and cholesterol metabolism, particularly in response to a high-fat diet.
Arachidonic acid and inflammation.
Water filtration.
Fish intake during pregnancy and fetal neurodevelopment. 1
Effect of dietary phospholipid DHA on brain DHA accretion in neonatal piglets. 1
Human trials showing NR in combination with pterostilbene increased NAD+ levels in human white blood cells. 1
Mention: Discussion of NAD+ and ketogenic diet with Dr. Eric Verdin. 1
Does omega-3 in fish oil supplements come in phospholipid form?
Comparison of other heat modalities with sauna (shown to associate with reductions of all-cause mortality).
Whole-body hyperthermia as a treatment for depression. 1
How to actionize off the data from 23andme.
Do oats and whole grains cause inflammation?
Are microbiome tests actionable?
Getting into ketosis via fasting vs. supplementation.
Effect of fasting on the microbiome.
Fasting mimicking diet vs water fast.
Mention: Discussion of autophagy and cell death from fasting with Dr. Guido Kroemer. 1
How does coffee affect a fast and circadian rhythm. 1
Every month, Rhonda hosts a live chat with FoundMyFitness Premium Members.
Don't miss the next one.
Dr. Rhonda Patrick discusses saturated fats and LDL, luteolin's benefits, glyphosate risks, natural vs. artificial flavors, and black cumin seed effects.
Dr. Rhonda Patrick discusses microdosing nicotine, GlyNac benefits, intermittent fasting and hair loss, and cold & flu relief.
Dr. Rhonda Patrick discusses GLP-1 agonists, alpha-lipoic acid, ubiquinone vs. ubiquinol, calcium needs, and liquid biopsy cancer screening.
Dr. Rhonda Patrick discusses _Akkermansia muciniphila_, vitamin B1's effect on blood sugar, emulsifiers in food, and electrolyte supplements.
Dr. Rhonda Patrick discusses silicone safety, grounding, pentadecanoic acid, and the potential benefits of olive leaf extract and peptides.