Sauna use promotes changes in immune function that may bolster COVID-19 defense

Posted on May 3rd 2020 (almost 5 years)

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While no data suggest that sauna use has a direct effect on acute COVID-19 infection, there's a convincing argument that sauna use promotes broader changes in immune function that may bolster defense in a contextually beneficial way. In this way, sauna is probably similar to other healthful activities like exercise rather than the life-saving cures the entire research community is scrambling to identify. Let's support them as a community by taking that search seriously and not confusing the two.

Having said that, robust evidence demonstrates that sauna use promotes mild hyperthermia, which in turn, induces a wide array of beneficial physiological responses. These responses reduce oxidative stress and inflammation and activate cellular defense systems such as heat shock proteins, which provide protection against many diseases. 

In fact, data from a 2017 study suggest that sauna use reduces the risk of developing certain chronic or acute respiratory illnesses, including pneumonia, by up to 40 percent. 

The sauna’s protective effects on the lungs might be due to reduced oxidative stress and inflammation associated with hyperthermia or direct beneficial effects on lung tissue.

Frequent sauna use may decrease pulmonary congestion and lead to other improvements in lung function including vital capacity, tidal volume, minute ventilation, and forced expiratory volume.

Sauna use also reduced the incidence of common colds in 25 participants who used the sauna one to two times per week for six months compared to 25 controls who did not. It's noteworthy that it took three months before sauna use had a protective effect. 

Levels of white blood cells (especially lymphocytes, neutrophils, and basophils) are increased in both trained and non-athletes after sauna use. While these findings are interesting, they are still preliminary and larger studies are needed to confirm. 

One of the protective adaptive responses to heat stress is the production of heat shock proteins.

Heat shock proteins (hsps) are a conserved class of proteins with critical roles in maintaining cellular homeostasis and in protecting cells from stressful conditions. Heat shock proteins increased by ~50 percent after 30 minutes in a 163℉ (73℃) sauna in healthy young men and women. Once activated, heat shock proteins can remain so for up to 48 hours. 

Heat shock proteins like hsp70 are also readily induced by fever. When hsp70s are released from cells, they can stimulate innate immune responses through toll-like receptors 2 and 4. Increasing evidence suggests that certain heat shock proteins play a role in both innate and adaptive immunity

Heat shock proteins can directly stimulate innate immune responses, such as the maturation and activation of dendritic cells and the activation of natural killer cells.

This suggests a direct role for heat shock proteins in regulating the innate immune response, which plays an important role in the body's ability to fight off a disease that it has never been exposed to before.

Other modalities of heat stress might promote respiratory health, too.

Unfortunately, most people don't have access to a home sauna, and during these unprecedented times shelter-in-place orders have made it impossible to use public saunas.

However, other modalities of heat stress such as hot baths and exercise have been shown to increase heat shock proteins. One study found that participants that either sat in a hot bath from their waist down for one hour or engaged in 60 minutes of moderate cycling on a stationary bike experienced a ~23 percent increase in hsp70 levels compared to baseline. 

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