Will lifestyle interventions be accepted as alternative treatments for depression? | Charles Raison

Posted on August 28th 2019 (over 5 years)

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There are various ancient practices, including meditation, hot yoga, and sauna, that may aid in the treatment of depression. Whether the medical community will embrace these lifestyle interventions remains to be seen. Antidepressants have their advantages and disadvantages, and while they are helpful for a subset of depressed people, a quarter of patients may get worse. Furthermore, certain antidepressants can be habit-forming with long term use. It would be optimal to find a strategy that recruited an individual's brain-body system to impart an antidepressant response. Alternative practices have the promise to create a transformational path that may be protective against depression. In this clip, Dr. Charles Raison discusses his belief that ancient practices are more likely than modern pharmacology to encourage resilience and stave off depression.

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