How Sauna Use May Boost Longevity

Posted on April 28th 2015 (almost 10 years)

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In this video, Dr. Rhonda Patrick summarizes a recent study that found that frequency of sauna use was associated with increased decreased risk of death. Using the sauna 2-3 times per week was associated with 24% lower all-cause mortality and 4-7 times per week decreased all-cause mortality by 40%.

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Is it even worth going once a week? That’s all I can afford


What is the latest research about how sauna use affect those with hypothyroidism, is it recommend for them? Thank you.


Hello Dr. Patrick, once heat shock proteins are activated from regular sauna use, and for whatever reason, a person stops visiting the sauna, what is the effect? Do the HSP’s remain active for days? Months? Years? Or do their levels quickly drop like they do for growth hormone? Thank you


Do we know which sauna type these benefits apply to? Infrared saunas, traditional steam, or dry saunas? I am planning a bathroom remodel and might try to work a sauna into the mix and the infrared are significantly cheaper…..

Sauna Videos