Omega-3 may be anabolic at higher dosages

Posted on July 19th 2023 (over 1 year)

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There is now converging evidence in animals and humans that omega-3 fatty acids are at the least anti-catabolic and, likely, anabolic.

They seem to do this by shifting the balance away from breakdown and more towards muscle building, particularly in the context of anabolic resistance.

Animal studies show omega-3 fatty acids augment muscle development: Steers fed omega-3s showed improved amino acid efficiency and activated pathways involved in muscle growth. Similarly, pigs given a high omega-3 diet exhibited larger muscles and markers of improved amino acid absorption and use.

But more importantly, we have human evidence: - In one study, young women taking 5 grams of omega-3s per day cut their muscle loss almost in half and increased muscle protein synthesis after two weeks of leg immobilization. - In another study, older adults consuming 3.36 grams of omega-3s daily for two months had an increase in muscle protein synthesis in the presence of amino acids and insulin. - Yet another study found that healthy older adults taking 4 grams of omega-3s daily for half a year increased various measures of muscle size and strength. - Still another study, older adults who consumed 4 grams of krill oil daily for six months improved knee strength, grip strength, thigh muscle thickness, and measures of muscle nerve response.

There are still open questions. For example, a consistent theme is that many of the studies are high dose at 4 and 5 grams per day - does that imply that these effects in muscle only happen at high dosages?

Another question we might ask is, in what context is omega-3 more anabolic - for example, in old age? During immobilization? When protein intake is sub-optimal for muscle building?

(It often is for many of us.)

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