Does high-dose omega-3 fight atrophy? (5g/day) | Dr. Chris McGlory

Posted on July 19th 2023 (over 1 year)

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In a study led by Dr. Chris McGlory, young women were given 5 grams of omega-3 fatty acids daily for four weeks before wearing a leg brace for two weeks to simulate immobilization. The results showed that the omega-3s significantly reduced muscle loss. This muscle-protective effect is thought to arise from omega-3s' ability to enhance muscle protein synthesis by improving the body's responsiveness to amino acids, with anti-inflammatory properties potentially contributing as well. These benefits may be particularly important for older adults who are susceptible to muscle wasting during periods of inactivity or immobilization. In this clip, Dr. McGlory discusses the potential of omega-3 fatty acids to protect against muscle loss during periods of immobilization or inactivity.

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