#81 Chris McGlory, PhD, on the Anabolic Potential of Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Posted on July 3rd 2023 (over 1 year)

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Dr. Chris McGlory is an assistant professor at Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. Known for his work in the field of muscle physiology and aging, Dr. McGlory's research focuses on elucidating the molecular mechanisms underlying muscle protein synthesis and degradation, with a particular emphasis on the roles that omega-3 fatty acids play in maintaining muscle health in older adults.

In this episode, Dr. McGlory and I discuss...

  • Why atrophy is worse for the old than the young
  •  - Why reduced movement can insidiously mimic short-term immobilization
  •  - Does high-dose omega-3 hold the key to fighting atrophy? (5g/day)
  •  - Who benefits the most from the anti-catabolic effects of omega-3?
  •  - Does omega-3 enhance strength?
  •  - Sex differences in gaining mass and strength
  •  - Do omega-3s boost tired, dysfunctional mitochondria?
  •  - Why we need an "omega-3 index" for muscle
  •  - Why the inflammation from cancer wastes muscle

(See Timeline tab for more)

The older we get, the harder it is to recover from muscle atrophy.

"Younger folks can recover from [disuse] relatively quickly, [but it] becomes a little bit more of a problem as you get older. [That] rapid muscle loss may not always come back to baseline in the older folks."- Chris McGlory, PhD. Click To Tweet

If you've ever worn a cast to immobilize a broken bone or spent an extended period in bed recovering from an illness, you've likely experienced muscle disuse atrophy. Also known as muscle wasting, muscle disuse atrophy occurs when muscles shrink and weaken due to periods of immobilization or physical inactivity. If you were young, you probably regained your muscle mass and strength soon after the cast was removed or you were back on your feet. But if you were in your later years, you might have experienced considerable challenges in recouping your losses – or perhaps never fully recovered.

Disuse atrophy studies suggest high-dose omega-3 fatty acids could combat anabolic resistance, offering potential benefits for sarcopenia.

"As we age, there is anabolic resistance to protein ingestion [...] that may lead to decline. And that is independent of physical inactivity, which would accelerate that natural biological decline."- Chris McGlory, PhD. Click To Tweet

Nutritional support – in the form of adequate protein intake – and regular exercise are essential for rebuilding and maintaining muscle mass. Unfortunately, as we age, our bodies become less responsive to the anabolic effects of protein and exercise, driving sarcopenia – the age-related loss of muscle mass and strength. But emerging evidence points to some surprising players in the nutrition-muscle mass maintenance story: omega-3 fatty acids.

A growing body of evidence demonstrates incredibly diverse roles for omega-3s in supporting and maintaining human health across a diverse array of organ systems and tissues (from brain to heart and more). They are perhaps best known for their canonical role in dampening inflammation. However, Dr. McGlory's work highlights a new suite of effects that may be attributable to omega-3 fatty acids. In high doses, they seem to reduce anabolic resistance, at least within the context of his trials of disuse atrophy.

The first hint that omega-3s might have muscle-protective effects came when he and his colleagues gave young women 5 grams of omega-3 fatty acids (3 grams of EPA + 2 grams of DHA) or a placebo daily for four weeks. Then they asked the women to wear a brace on one leg for two weeks so they could study the effects that omega-3s had on muscle protein synthesis during immobilization. They found that women who took the omega-3s lost roughly half as much muscle.

Omega-3 fatty acids may enhance muscle protein synthesis partly independently of their anti-inflammatory role, potentially extending dual benefits to the elderly.

"A growing body of evidence suggests omega-3s are anabolic. And they seem to be anabolic, particularly in older adults, not just from a protein synthetic point of view but also from the perspective of mitigating declines in muscle mass and size."- Chris McGlory, PhD. Click To Tweet

McGlory believes that the muscle-protective effects of omega-3s he and his team observed stem from their capacity to enhance muscle protein synthesis by improving the body's response to amino acids. And omega-3s' anti-inflammatory qualities could play a role, too, especially in the setting of sarcopenia, where inflammation is a driver. Interestingly, some studies have shown that omega-3s work independently of their anti-inflammatory effects. Regardless of the mechanisms involved, omega-3 could have far-reaching benefits that extend beyond periods of immobilization or inactivity, particularly for older adults, who are vulnerable to what's often referred to as a catabolic crisis.

Intervening in catabolic crises, decelerating the path towards escalating disability and early mortality.

"[In the] catabolic crisis model, [...with each insult] that older people have with periods of inactivity and immobilization, they lose muscle. It may not come back, and then they lose a little bit more. And all of a sudden they reach a threshold beyond which they cannot perform activities of daily living."- Chris McGlory, PhD. Click To Tweet

A catabolic crisis is a theoretical concept that defines periods of accelerated declines in muscle mass and functional capacity. It can occur at any age, but it's more common among older adults, for whom injuries, surgeries, or prolonged illnesses dictate long and perhaps frequent periods of physical inactivity or immobilization. These cumulative insults drive older adults toward a "disability threshold" from which they might not recover. Research suggests many older adults experienced catabolic crises during the quarantines of the recent pandemic.

The key players in a catabolic crisis are catabolism and its counterpart, anabolism – complementary, dynamic forces that support muscle growth and strength. As we age, the equilibrium between these two forces wanes, creating an imbalance in muscle protein turnover. And because older adults often consume less than adequate amounts of protein and might not engage in resistance training (the two anabolic stimuli needed for muscle protein synthesis), the perfect conditions for a catabolic crisis converge. Omega-3s may provide a means to prevent a catabolic crisis, potentially prolonging healthspan and improving quality of life in older adults.

Omega-3 fatty acids may support strength gains, enhance glycemic control, and quicken gait speed, according to several studies.

"There is evidence that EPA treatment may protect against cancer cachexia or the loss of muscle with cancer."- Chris McGlory, PhD. Click To Tweet

But omega-3s' effects on muscle extend beyond muscle building and maintenance: One of Dr. McGlory's most recent studies showed that omega-3s also improve muscle strength. When healthy young adults took fish oil supplements – which are rich in omega-3s – while engaging in a resistance training program, they showed greater strength gains than those who took a placebo. His group's findings align with those of another, which demonstrated that fish oil supplementation induced a 50 percent increase in muscle protein synthesis.

The trickle-down effect of these gains can't be dismissed. Muscle mass and strength protect older adults against falls – the leading cause of injury in seniors – and promote better glycemic control. And there might be a place for omega-3s in the setting of cachexia – a muscle disuse atrophy syndrome associated with chronic diseases like cancer and emphysema.

Dr. McGlory cautions that you can't "out-nutrition" physical inactivity or immobilization, however. Protein, omega-3s, and resistance training form a synergistic triad that works to build and maintain muscle. Remove one component, and it's considerably less effective.

Supporting the energy-demanding process of muscle protein synthesis by boosting mitochondrial function.

"There seems to be some kind of mitochondrial cytosolic crosstalk. [Muscle protein synthesis] is a very energetically expensive process. So, if the mitochondria are not working properly, then there may not be the energy to mount a protein synthetic response."- Chris McGlory, PhD. Click To Tweet

Omega-3s also seem to influence the health and function of mitochondria. This is important in the context of muscle because, as Dr. McGlory points out, muscle protein synthesis is an energetically expensive process. Tired, dysfunctional mitochondria might not have the energy to mount and support muscle protein synthesis. But encouraging evidence suggests that omega-3s support ADP-stimulated respiration in the mitochondria, facilitating protein synthesis.

Challenges and future directions in omega-3 research

"The omega-3 index has been established in blood and is related to CVD risks. We have not really got something similar in skeletal muscles. So, we do not know what the [optimal] level of omega-3s or EPA or DHA is."- Chris McGlory, PhD. Click To Tweet

Although the science supporting the use of omega-3s in bolstering muscle protein synthesis is growing, many questions and challenges remain. For example, because older adults don't recover from immobilization as quickly as younger ones, intentionally restricting an older person's limb for the purposes of study carries some inherent risks. Consequently, much of Dr. McGlory's research has focused on younger people. Future research that includes people of all ages will provide better insights into omega-3s' muscle-protective effects.

Another challenge in researching the effects of omega-3s stems from study designs, which are plagued with methodological flaws, such as short duration, inadequate dosing, and failure to establish clearly defined outcome measures. Identifying biomarkers in muscle tissue similar to the Omega-3 Index, which correlates to cardiovascular risk, could help standardize the research.

In this episode, Dr. Chris McGlory and I discuss the many roles that omega-3 fatty acids play in preserving muscle mass, strength, and function in aging.

Notable and relevant publications



About Dr. Chris McGlory

People mentioned in this episode

  • Stuart Galloway, Ph.D.
  • Stuart Gray, Ph.D.
  • Graham Holloway, Ph.D.
  • Vera Mazurak, Ph.D.
  • Bettina Mittendorfer, Ph.D.
  • Daniel Moore, Ph.D.
  • Stuart Phillips, Ph.D.

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