#97 The Science of Protein and Its Role in Longevity, Cancer, Aging, and Building Muscle

Posted on December 5th 2024 (3 months)

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This episode is a deep exploration into one of nutrition's most critical and debated topics—protein. Beyond its well-known role as the building block of muscle, protein is fundamental to our metabolism, insulin sensitivity, and the prevention of diseases such as type 2 diabetes and sarcopenia. But how much dietary protein do we really need? And could too much protein, especially from meat, actually be harmful?

This episode and accompanying show notes cover these topics and more, including:

  • Why it's never too late to start building muscle
  • What’s the optimal protein intake?
  • Why protein supports weight loss
  • Does protein harm healthy kidneys?
  • How to time your protein — and if it matters
  • Why the post-exercise "anabolic window" isn't as as narrow as once believed
  • What are the best sources?
  • Does protein promote cancer and reduce longevity?

Muscle Mass, Health, and Aging

How much muscle do we lose with age?

Muscle mass and strength decline significantly with age. Starting at 50, the average person loses about 1% of their muscle mass each year, and strength declines even faster—by approximately 3% annually. Without regular strength training, this rate accelerates to a 4% loss of strength annually by age 75. This decline contributes to frailty and increases the risk of falls and fractures, including hip fractures, which are often fatal. Research shows that individuals who experience fragility fractures have double the mortality risk, with 22–58% of those with hip fractures dying within 12 months.

The relationship between whole body skeletal muscle mass and age in men and women. doi: 10.1152/jappl.2000.89.1.81

Resistance training and protein intake support healthy aging

Strength training is the cornerstone for preventing muscle loss and building reserves for later life. Combining resistance training with adequate protein intake amplifies these benefits. A meta-analysis led by Dr. Stuart Phillips found that individuals consuming 1.6 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight daily while engaging in resistance training increased their muscle mass by 27% and their strength by 10%, compared to those who trained without extra protein. Optimizing protein intake, particularly for older adults, is essential to maintaining muscle mass and strength.

Muscle has metabolic and functional benefits

Muscle accounts for 30–40% of lean body mass, providing far-reaching benefits beyond strength. More muscle enhances metabolism, improves insulin sensitivity, and protects against type 2 diabetes. It also reduces the risk of frailty, falls, and fractures, which can dramatically improve quality of life in older adults. Importantly, higher muscle mass is associated with a 30% reduction in early mortality risk, whereas higher fat mass increases that risk by 56%.

The relationship between body fat mass and fat-free mass to total mortality. doi: 10.1093/ajcn/nqaa339

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