The role of zinc in immunity

Posted on June 21st 2020 (almost 5 years)

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Deficiency of the trace element zinc is rare in the United States, although up to 45 percent of people 60 years and older have inadequate zinc intake. People who consume alcohol or follow a vegetarian diet might require more zinc. Studies indicate that mild zinc deficiency can decrease immune function, including dysfunctional cytokine production in T cells and absence of CD4+ T cell regeneration. A randomized controlled trial reported that older adults were less likely to contract pneumonia if they took a multivitamin containing zinc. Another meta-analysis found that people who supplemented with zinc acetate lozenges had a three-fold faster recovery rate from the common cold compared to those who took a placebo. In this clip, Dr. Rhonda Patrick discusses the trace element zinc and its role in the immune system.

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