#28 Sulforaphane and Its Effects on Cancer, Mortality, Aging, Brain and Behavior, Heart Disease, & More

Posted on December 14th 2016 (over 8 years)

Enter your email to get our 15-page guide to sprouting broccoli and learn about the science of chemoprotective compount sulforaphane.

Broccoli sprouts are concentrated sources of sulforaphane, a type of isothiocyanate. Damaging broccoli sprouts – when chewing, chopping, or freezing – triggers an enzymatic reaction in the tiny plants that produces sulforaphane.

In our Sprouting Guide PDF, you'll learn the basics of sprouting, read the science of sulforaphane, and gain insights from one of the
top researchers
in the field of chemoprotection.

This podcast is about one of the most important biological pathways you could possibly take the time to learn about: the NRF2 pathway.

The most potent naturally-occurring inducer of this pathway is a plant compound known as sulforaphane, which many studies suggest may have properties that prove to be therapeutic in many different contexts. No greedy capitalists are conspiring to keep it out of your hands because it's naturally produced in large quantities by none other than the humble... broccoli sprout!

There is so much to say when we talk about the NRF2 pathway and isothiocyanates like sulforaphane that we had to pack it into 47 minutes and break it into a few key sections.

Key sections:

  • Cancer and mortality
  • Aging
  • Brain and behavior
  • Final recap
  • Dose

For a more in-depth breakdown click the timeline link at the top of this page!

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Listen in on our regularly curated interview segments called "Aliquots" released every week on our premium podcast The Aliquot. Aliquots come in two flavors: features and mashups.

  • Hours of deep dive on topics like fasting, sauna, child development surfaced from our enormous collection of members-only Q&A episodes.
  • Important conversational highlights from our interviews with extra commentary and value. Short but salient.


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As a membership site, it sure would be great if Rhonda or designated volunteer(s) responded to questions on podcasts like this one!


Would love to get your take on BrocElite


Just ordered some on Amazon. it’s the only stabilized sulforaphanes I’ve found in the US! Will follow up.


Hi Rhonda. Many thanks for such an interesting overview. Sulforaphane and subsequent activation of the NRF2 pathway sounds like a silver bullet. However, are there possible downsides with NRF2 activation? There seems to be some suggestions that if activation of NRF2 protects normal cells under stress, it could do the same for cancer cells and make cancer therapies such as chemotherapy less effective. If NRF2 is cell protective, could it slow down autophagy which I understand is also such an important component of long-term health? Love to hear your views on this too.


Why can’t I see the summary on this video? Thank you Larry

Sulforaphane Videos