How to store nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) to reduce degradation | David Sinclair


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Two NAD+ precursors, nicotinamide riboside and nicotinamide mononucleotide, have been shown to ameliorate age-associated diseases in animals. They are well-tolerated at high doses and effectively raise NAD+ levels. These molecules are not shelf-stable at high temperatures or in conditions of high humidity, however. They quickly degrade into nicotinamide, which inhibits the activity of sirtuins and PARP, a DNA repair enzyme. In this clip, Dr. David Sinclair discusses the stability issues encountered with nicotinamide riboside and nicotinamide mononucleotide.

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Manufacturers of raw materials have made a lot of progress to synthesize NMN that is more stable. HPLC-based stability tests aren’t that expensive or hard to conduct and you can easily find out these answers. At we showed that our NMN and Resveratrol formula did not degrade after 30 days at 104F (40C).


Since Dr. Sinclair can’t state which products he knows are good sources of supplements and products, can Dr. Patrick help us out on this front??


I wish I knew how important this was earlier. I store my NMN sublingual powder in the fridge, but there have definitely been days where it’s sat out overnight or for several hours during the day. So now am I poisoning myself? Is there any way to know if it has gone bad?


He never clarified what a ‘stabilized’ form of NMN would look like. What would one look for to see if what they’re taking is stabilized and is there a way to tell if the NMN has gone ‘off’? Many thanks in advance!


I found this enlightening. I wonder what % of supplements are already degraded once they are shipped to customers and if in fact some may be doing more hard than good.

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