Why muscle is important for longevity? | Dr. Stuart Phillips

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Having sufficient muscle mass markedly reduces a person's risk of dying prematurely, and actively challenging those muscles, through regular physical activity and exercise, may extend a person's life several years.

As we get older, the equilibrium of the biochemical processes that maintain muscles – anabolism and catabolism – wanes, creating an imbalance in muscle protein turnover and driving sarcopenia, the loss of muscle mass and strength that accompanies aging. Many factors contribute to this imbalance, including a sedentary lifestyle and dietary insufficiencies.

Building muscle and maintaining function and strength in youth and midlife can forestall the inevitable periods of disuse and disease that occur throughout life and increase with aging. Some evidence suggests that even older adults can benefit from regular strength training to promote muscle gains. In this clip, Dr. Stuart Phillips and Dr. Rhonda Patrick discuss the importance of building and maintaining muscle mass for longevity.

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