Nicotinamide mononucleotide cancer study (senescent-cell dependent pancreatic cancer model)

Posted on April 9th 2022 (over 2 years)

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More than a century of research has demonstrated that nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) is an indispensable mediator of vital metabolic and physiological processes, including energy production, DNA synthesis and repair, and regulation of gene expression – across multiple species.

But aging, metabolic stressors, and the processes that depend on NAD+ work against maintaining adequate cellular levels of this crucial molecule, inevitably pushing us toward decline. The recent discoveries of NAD+ precursors and a greater understanding of how the body synthesizes and recycles NAD+ offer promise that repletion of NAD+ may improve health and forestall the decline that characteristically accompanies the aging process.

One concern with NMN supplementation is the potential for increased cancer risk. Some evidence suggests that NMN supplementation or NAD+ metabolism may drive tumorigenesis, especially in the proinflammatory environment associated with senescent cells. In this clip, Dr. Patrick talks about nicotinamide mononucleotide cancer study.

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