#70 Dr. Eran Elinav: Microbiome Insights into Personalized Response to Diet, Obesity, and Leaky Gut

Posted on February 8th 2022 (about 3 years)

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Eran Elinav, MD, PhD, is a professor of immunology and principal investigator at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Tel Aviv, Israel, where he co-directs the Personalized Nutrition Project. Dr. Elinav is also a principal investigator at the German Cancer Research Center in Heidelberg, Germany. His research focuses on understanding the complex interactions between humans and the bacteria that reside in their gut and how these interactions shape human health and disease.

In this episode, Dr. Elinav and I discuss:

  • The circadian rhythmicity of the microbiome
  • The differing roles of genes versus the environment in determining the make-up of the microbiome
  • The influence of the microbiome on cholesterol and triglyceride levels
  • Effect of artificial sweeteners on the microbiome
  • Microbiome-related dynamics of weight regain and why some people have a harder time keeping weight off
  • Leaky gut and the role of metabolic endotoxemia in disease
  • Interindividual differences in response to probiotics
  • Whether advances in bacteriophage therapy will solve antibiotic resistance
  • Bacterial role in TMAO risk
  • Smoking cessation-associated weight gain

Expanding our conception of the human to include our microbes — the human holobiont

"The holobiont concept, in which you can regard a human as a combined set of microbes and human cells, could contribute to many of the more complex health outcomes that are so concerning to many of us."- Eran Elinav, MD, PhD Click To Tweet

More than a century ago, immunologist Élie Metchnikoff theorized that the secret to robust health and long life lay within the gut microbiome – the collective genomes of the trillions of microorganisms that reside in the human intestine. The popularity and acceptance of Metchnikoff's theories waned over time but in recent decades have seen a revival, as researchers, healthcare professionals, and the lay public alike have come to appreciate that these microorganisms, often referred to as commensals (a Latin term that means "eating at the same table"), play seemingly countless roles in human physiology, influencing nearly every aspect of our physical, emotional, and psychological well-being. In essence, our microbiome defines us.

Dr. Elinav explains that the factors that shape and alter a person's microbiome exert their influence throughout the lifespan, starting at birth (and even before), governed by genetic drivers and early environmental exposures. The genetic influence on the microbiome is miniscule, however, accounting for less than 2 percent of its overall makeup and character. The lion's share is relegated to environmental exposures, the first of which occurs at birth, when a host of microbes bombard the previously sterile infant.

Variations in these exposures, starting with delivery mode – vaginal versus Caesarean – and continuing for about the first three years of life, potentially expose an infant to vastly different microbial populations, influencing nearly every aspect of their health. For example, growing up in an overly hygienic environment increases a child's risk for developing autoimmune diseases, but exposure to dirt, especially from soil, pets, and roaches, in the first year of life may provide protection against asthma and allergy-related skin disease. And a growing body of evidence hints that early life antibiotic use predisposes a person to obesity and other chronic diseases later in life. Similarly, the waning gut microbial populations and subsequent loss of protectiveness in old age may arise from age-related changes in the gut and environmental exposures such as increased medication use. And even cigarette smoking can alter the gut microbiome in such a way that drives weight gain when smokers quit.

But the greatest influence on the types and numbers of microbes that populate our gut microbiome throughout the lifespan comes from what – and surprisingly, when – we eat, says Dr. Elinav. Indeed, dietary components and microbial circadian rhythmicity call the shots on who stays and who goes in the gut.

What we eat matters.

"Of all the different environmental factors that affect us humans – our stress levels, the medications we take, where we live, and how we conduct our lives – the composition of the diet is probably the most important and most dominant factor which impacts our gut microbes."- Eran Elinav, MD, PhD Click To Tweet

That the diet influences our microbiome probably comes as little surprise. Some microbes prefer certain nutrient sources, providing them a competitive edge if those nutrients are present in their host's diet. Dr. Elinav explains that this edge can translate to downstream effects on the host, for good or bad, as seen with cardiometabolic health, for example. In response to dietary components, microbes not only modulate aspects of cholesterol metabolism, but they also produce a profusion of molecules, such as trimethylamine-N-oxide, short-chain fatty acids, and secondary bile acids, driving the pathogenesis of cardiovascular disease. In this way, the gut microbiome may predict cardiovascular disease risk.

And when global changes occur in a person's diet, such as from an animal-based dietary pattern to a plant-based one, the microbial population in the gut shifts to one that is more accommodating to the new menu. Although these shifts are somewhat predictable across large groups of people, each person's microbiome will respond in its very own unique way.

But microbial responses to individual components of a person's diet may influence host health, too. Dr. Elinav describes how evidence suggests that artificial sweeteners promote metabolic dysfunction, potentially increasing the risk for type 2 diabetes. Conversely, omega-3 fatty acids exert dramatic effects on the gut microbiome, which in turn elicits a range of beneficial responses, from enhanced immune function to reduced opioid-seeking behavior to improved mood, and many others.

When we eat might matter a lot, too — even from the standpoint of our microbes

"The timing of diet has an independent and peculiar effect on the composition and function of our gut microbes. Through these time-dependent interactions, our gut microbiome can independently impact our metabolic health or our propensity to develop disease."- Eran Elinav, MD, PhD Click To Tweet

But the discovery that the timing of our food intake influences the gut microbes left Dr. Elinav and his colleagues nonplussed. After sampling gut microbial populations every four hours during a single day, they learned that the activity and composition of a person's gut microbes change consistently (and predictably) across the course of a day – a phenomenon Dr. Elinav refers to as "stably unstable." If the microbes' diurnal pattern is disrupted, he says, the host has an increased risk of obesity and diabetes – diseases that are associated with altered sleep/wake cycles, such as those experienced with shift work. Normalizing the timing of food intake via time-restricted eating may help restore microbiome composition, potentially offsetting the increased disease risk.

Alterations in the gut microbiome drive recurrent obesity

"This post-dieting microbiome stored a metabolic memory of past obesity that predisposed the mice to an exaggerated weight regain the next time they were exposed to an obesogenic diet."- Eran Elinav, MD, PhD Click To Tweet

However, restoring the gut microbiome in the setting of obesity presents unique challenges. Dr. Elinav says that obesity has profound, deleterious effects on the gut microbiome, driving dysbiosis and impairing critical aspects of nutrient metabolism. Of particular concern is the inability to metabolize flavonoids, some of which, such as apigenin (found in parsley and chamomile) and naringin (found in grapefruit and cherries), participate in fat metabolism. This dysbiosis persists, even after weight loss, likely promoting recurrent (or "yo-yo") obesity.

The compounds produced during flavonoid metabolism are just some of the thousands of bioactive molecules produced by the gut microbes. These molecules, sometimes referred to as metabolites or postbiotics – are taken up in the gut and enter the body's circulation, where they can have far-reaching effects on multiple organ systems, says Dr. Elinav. In fact, half or more of the molecules circulating in our blood may have originated in or been modulated by the gut microbiome.

Intestinal permeability and metabolic endotoxemia

"[Gut] leakiness results in the influx of molecules from the gut into the sterile human body, which contributes to disease states or to exacerbation of disease in different contexts."- Eran Elinav, MD, PhD Click To Tweet

Of course, the organ most intimately associated with the gut microbiome is the intestine. Gut microbes secrete a milieu of compounds that simultaneously allow the passage and absorption of nutrients in the gut while maintaining a defensive barrier against pathogens, toxins, and harmful food components. Failure of this barrier drives "leaky gut" – also known as intestinal permeability – a condition in which gaps form between the tight junctions between the endothelial cells that line the gut. These gaps allow pathogens like bacteria or endotoxins (toxins that are released when bacteria die) to leak through the intestinal wall and pass directly into the bloodstream, driving both acute and chronic disease states, such as COVID-19, celiac disease, and neuropsychiatric disorders, among others.

Promoting gut health with prebiotics and probiotics

So how does one promote and maintain a happy, healthy collection of gut microbes? Two strategies – prebiotics and probiotics – merit attention, with varied scientific support.

Prebiotics are dietary components (primarily indigestible fibers) that promote the growth and survival of beneficial microbes in the human gut. Foods that contain prebiotics include asparagus, beets, garlic, chicory, onion, Jerusalem artichoke, grains, and breast milk.

Probiotics are live bacteria – either in foods or supplements – that, when consumed, promote or maintain a healthy population of gut microbes. Probiotic foods include yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, and kombucha. But the evidence to support the use of probiotics is wobbly, at best, says Dr. Elinav, because the indigenous microbiome is openly hostile to newcomers, preventing their colonization, even temporarily, in the gut. As one researcher put it, "The attribution of efficacy to the consumption of probiotic microorganisms for health benefits has occurred in reverse order of the available scientific evidence."

Bacteriophage therapy: Exploiting a microbial arms race

"If [bacteriophage therapy] is successful, we would be able to really take a needle out of the haystack by targeting a single bacteria or a single type of bacteria without killing the entire microbiome and causing substantial collateral damage."- Eran Elinav, MD, PhD Click To Tweet

An exciting area of study in current microbiome research centers on bacteriophages, a class of viruses that infect bacteria. Bacteriophages are species-specific and typically only infect a single bacterial species or even specific strains within a species. For this reason, some scientists have posited that bacteriophage therapy may be a viable alternative to traditional antibiotics for the treatment of bacterial infections.

The microbiome is a fascinating and exciting area of research that is still in its infancy, with many questions as yet unanswered. In this episode, Dr. Eran Elinav and I discuss the gut microbiome and its role in human health and disease.

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Learn more about Eran Elinav, MD, PhD

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