This episode of the aliquot features a collection of clips covering a range of topics related to fasting - both intermittent and prolonged. Specific topics include autophagy, the process of recycling dysfunctional cells that is induced by fasting and fasting-mimicking drugs such as resveratrol and spermidine. Rhonda discusses the effects of fasting on Parkinson's disease and which groups of people should not fast. Finally, she shares practical information about restricting carbohydrates, using caffeine, and when and how to break the fast.
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This episode of the aliquot features a collection of clips covering a range of topics related to fasting - both intermittent and prolonged. Specific topics include autophagy, the process of recycling dysfunctional cells that is induced by fasting and fasting-mimicking drugs such as resveratrol and spermidine. Rhonda discusses the effects of fasting on Parkinson's disease and which groups of people should not fast. Finally, she shares practical information about restricting carbohydrates, using caffeine, and when and how to break the fast.
Intermittent fasting caused an increase in bacterial richness in the gut microbiome that correlated with increased T-regulatory immune cells
Fasting mimicking diet, the ketogenic diet, and autoimmune diseases
Autophagy during fasting
It takes 5 days of water fasting in humans in order to reduce IGF-1 levels 50%
When is autophagy occuring during a fast?
Sensitivity of biomarkers of inflammation and autophagy
Resveratrol is a caloric restriction or fasting mimetic compound that decreases protein acetylation via enzymes called sirtuins
Spermidine is a fasting mimetic compound found in foods like natto that directly inhibit protein acetylation
Spermidine has been shown to prolong lifespan in animal studies via increasing autophagy
Spermidine has been shown to improve memory capacity and heart function in animal studies
Aerobic exercises in a fasting state induces autophagy quicker than in a fed state
Mild caloric restriction for over 6 years induces autophagy
Rhonda discusses proxies that can be used for detecting autophagy
Intermittent fasting, prolonged fasting and healthspan
What we know about the minimal fasting time it takes to induce autophagy and apoptosis
After a fast, refeeding causes stem cells to replenish the lost cells and rejuvenate tissues
Comparing and contrasting a ketogenic diet with prolonged fasting
The most effective way to induce autophagy is exercise and prolonged water fasts
Rhonda compares the rejuvenation effect of time-restricted eating vs prolonged fasting vs fasting-mimicking diet
Rhonda's thoughts on coffee breaking a fast
Calorie-free substances during a time-restricted eating window vs. a prolonged fast
Supplements and other medications outside of a time-restricted eating window
Your body metabolizes xenobiotics differently depending on the time of the day
Sauna and exercise improves cardiovascular fitness in a synergistic way
Differences between a fasting-mimicking diet vs a water-only fast
Balancing protein intake with IGF-1 and mTOR
Prolonged fasting and gallstone risk
Fasting and cardiovascular disease
Comparing two 48-hour fasts vs one 72-hour fast for inducing autophagy and apoptosis
Rhonda talks about the benefits of fasting that are independent from ketosis
Fasting and cancer
Time-restricted eating and DNA damage
Tips for time-restricted eating for people who work long hours
12-hour vs 10-hour restricted eating windows
Time-restricted eating and breastfeeding
Diet, lifestyle, and cancer
Ketosis and Parkinson’s disease
Statins, low cholesterol, and Parkinson’s disease
Ketogenic diet and blood glucose levels
Fasting, sauna, and muscle mass
Eating a carbohydrate-rich meal before a workout
Prolonged fasts and the gut microbiome
Contraindications for fasting in women
Rhonda’s tips for preventing jet lag in new time zones
Rhonda’s tips for managing circadian rhythm in shift-workers
The effects of fasting on muscle mass
Organs shrink during a fast then regrow during the refeeding phase
Supplementing with branch chain amino acids during a fast
Tips for refeeding after a prolonged fast
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