“If you can not measure it, you can not improve it.” - William Thompson
Aliquot episodes make great companion listening for a long drive. You can find these special members-only episodes alongside live recorded Q&As on The Aliquot, our official premium FoundMyFitness podcast.
“If you can not measure it, you can not improve it.” - William Thompson
Getting regular checkups and undergoing blood tests are fundamental to maintaining good health. Keeping a record of health data can help us understand the impact of our changing lifestyle habits on our health. This episode of the Aliquot features FoundMyFitness guests with expertise in fields including lipid metabolism, Alzheimer's disease, and micronutrient biochemistry sharing their recommendations regarding blood tests that a person should consider adding to their yearly checkup.
Self-experimentation with the ketogenic diet and the biomarkers to measure daily (Tim Ferriss discussion)
Longevity markers that are clinically available (Valter Longo discussion)
Vitamin D and COVID-19 (Roger Seheult discussion)
Getting a particle-focused lipid LDL panel performed requires a medical diagnosis and prescription (Ronald Krauss discussion)
The MEND protocol and its successor, the ReCODE protocol for Alzheimer’s disease (Dale Bredesen discussion)
How specific micronutrient inadequacies may promote immune dysregulation (Rhonda Patrick discussion)
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, you can participate in helping us to keep improving it. Creating a premium subscription does just that! Plus, we throw in occasional member perks and, more importantly, churn out the best possible content without concerning ourselves with the wishes of any dark overlords.
In this Aliquot, I explore how genetics, lifestyle, and potassium balance influence sodium's role in...
In this Aliquot, you'll hear expert insights from Drs. Bruce Ames, Andrew Huberman, Axel Montagne, and me...
In this Aliquot, I briefly describe the science and concerns surrounding microplastics and identify ways to lessen...
In this Aliquot, Drs. Matt Walker, Satchin Panda, and Andrew Huberman explore how to harness the benefits of natural light...
In this Aliquot, we explore strategies for optimizing muscle mass through exercise, nutrition, and supplements with...