Vitamins are substances that our bodies need to develop and function normally. When considering vitamins, we tend to think of the usual suspects – A, C, D, E, and K, plus the eight B vitamins. However, the body produces many molecules that fit the description of a vitamin, driving physiological processes from infancy through later life. Some of these molecules might even be considered longevity "vitamins" – substances that extend healthspan and promote a longer life. In this Aliquot, I talk about three substances that may act as longevity vitamins – taurine, ergothioneine, and PQQ.
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Vitamins are substances that our bodies need to develop and function normally. When considering vitamins, we tend to think of the usual suspects – A, C, D, E, and K, plus the eight B vitamins. However, the body produces many molecules that fit the description of a vitamin, driving physiological processes from infancy through later life. Some of these molecules might even be considered longevity "vitamins" – substances that extend healthspan and promote a longer life. In this Aliquot, I talk about three substances that may act as longevity vitamins – taurine, ergothioneine, and PQQ.
Is taurine the key to Okinawan's long lifespans?
How taurine promotes mitochondrial health
How taurine deficiency impacts muscle mass and performance
Does supplementing the age-related decline in taurine boost longevity?
Which country has the highest taurine intake (and the longest lifespan?)
Can taurine significantly alter blood pressure, blood lipids, and glucose levels?
The role of ergothioneine in shielding membranes from oxidative damage
How ergothioneine's lipophilic properties protect mitochondria
Why do some people transport ergothioneine better than others?
Whether to get ergothioneine from foods or supplements
Is ergothioneine destroyed by cooking?
The unusual antioxidant power of PQQ
The role of PQQ in the brain
PQQ's impact on NAD and sirtuin levels
Does PQQ blunt the positive effects of exercise?
The FoundMyFitness Q&A happens monthly for premium members. Attend live or listen in our exclusive member-only podcast The Aliquot.
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