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Delirium is a sudden and severe state of confusion that can affect attention and cognitive function. It is particularly common in older adults after surgery or hospitalization, increasing their risk of death, institutionalization, and dementia. A 2022 study found that structural integrity of the anterior midcingulate cortex may predict and mitigate the risk of postoperative delirium.

The study involved 93 cognitively normal older adults undergoing elective surgery. Researchers divided the participants into two groups based on their performance on neuropsychological tests: “SuperAgers” (those whose cognitive function was comparable to that of young adults) and those whose cognitive function was typical for their ages. Participants underwent magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to assess the structural integrity of various brain regions.

The researchers found that none of the SuperAgers experienced postoperative delirium, whereas 20 percent of the typical older adults did. Those who did not experience postoperative delirium exhibited enhanced structural integrity of the anterior midcingulate cortex.

The anterior midcingulate cortex is a brain region involved in a wide range of cognitive and motor functions. This critical area grows in response to activities that require considerable effort, such as exercise. Here’s what Dr. Andrew Huberman, our recent interview guest, had to say about it.

These findings suggest that greater structural integrity of the anterior midcingulate cortex protects against delirium and predicts cognitive resilience in older adults. They also align with other evidence demonstrating that SuperAgers exhibit greater cortical thickness in the anterior midcingulate cortex and lower incidence of Alzheimer’s disease. Learn more about the anterior midcingulate cortex in this episode featuring Dr. Andrew Huberman.

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