Comments by leechipturner
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    Really great interview! Two observations from me. I have been on TRT for 40 years. I monitor my hematocrit every 6 months because TRT gives me erythrocytosis; which I first discovered by escalating blood pressure and headaches. I controlled this for a couple of decades via blood donation 2-4 times a year. Testosterone injections exacerbate the erythrocytosis faster than topical (so I use topical). After studying the effects of grapefruit juice on RBCs (causes agglutination of RBCs and then they are removed via the liver), I was able to stop blood donation and use daily grapefruit juice to control the erythrocytosis. Dissecting the components of grapefruit juice, I tried several flavonoids to see if I got the same results. Finally settled on naringin as the causal compound. Now, as long as I take naringin daily, I have no problems with blood pressure or erythrocytosis.