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The body’s appetite feedback circuit is a sophisticated system that regulates hunger and satiety to maintain energy balance. Suppressing this circuit is essential to successful weight loss before reaching a plateau. A recent study found that weight-loss interventions vary in their capacity to overcome the body’s appetite feedback circuits by as much as threefold.

A researcher used a validated mathematical model to simulate the body’s weight-loss response to calorie restriction, glucagon-like peptide receptor agonists (GLP-1 RAs, a class of drugs primarily used to treat type 2 diabetes and obesity), and bariatric (gastric bypass) surgery. The model predicted how these interventions influenced body weight by simulating changes in caloric intake, energy use, and appetite over time.

He found that weight loss plateaued at around 12 months with calorie restriction and at around 24 months with GLP-1 RAs or gastric bypass surgery. The drugs and surgery were between 40 and 70 percent more effective at suppressing appetite than calorie restriction, aligning with data indicating that most people find calorie restriction challenging to adhere to, especially for an extended period.

These findings suggest that weight-loss interventions vary in their capacity to overcome the body’s appetite feedback circuits, influencing their effectiveness. Unfortunately, many people regain weight after successful weight loss, possibly due to changes in their gut microbiome. Learn more in this episode featuring Dr. Eran Elinav.

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